When we came in this week, there was a huge surge of Japanese missionaries and the branch grew from 2 districts to 5 or 7 districts. It's so cool to speak (not very well, but still speak) Japanese to others who are learning it as well! While being here I have made many friends (my district is 27F) but I have seen friends from Colorado, Hawaii and Braxton Horman from Texas! Anyway, I saw Whitney and she gave me a huge hug and when I saw my friend Garret, I wanted to hug him, but I couldn't. So sad. I see Courtney often and many others that came from Hawaii!
My doryo or companion is so sweet! I love her to death! Her name is Jessica Jeo (say it like Joe) Shimai. She's from Salt Lake and is very much a country girl, she is also shy and trusts me which is a lot coming from her and knowing her background. I just love her so much! She's a quarter Japanese.
When I got my badge just moments after I said goodbye to y'all, it had my name "Sister Oswald" and underneath, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" in Nihongo!!! AHH! I almost started crying because of it! I get my full Nigongo (my name in Japanese) two weeks prior to departure.
So this has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the greatest thing! The Spirit is so strong here and everyone has a desire to serve and love each other!!! But it is also super busy here at the MTC. Everything is planned out and such. It's super stressful and there is like five minutes to breathe and then you start running again. The language is particularly tough, but the GIFT OF TONGUES IS REAL!! I am understanding more than I ever have understood any language and I can say my prayers in Nihongo and bear my testimony.!! It's subarashii!
In the beginning, two days felt like two weeks! My doryo and I and two other Shimai (sisters) in our district live on the 4th floor! Woo! It's a trudge up the stairs every night! Our P-day (preparation day) is on Thursday and I'm so thankful for it. It's been harder without a break these last couple of days. The third day we had to teach an "investigator" in NIHONGO!!! WHAT?!?! LIKE WHAT!! It was crazy but by our fourth lesson we had improved, going from just telling the information to actually teaching and feeling the Spirit. We asked him yesterday to get baptized (silly I know because he's like a golden investigator) and he said yes, but it felt so good because we had prayed for him. We loved him (Fujita san) and I want that for everyone I meet in Japan.
I DREAM IN NIHONGO! Yeah, that's right and it's ridiculous and I don't even understand any of it so there's that. Sunday was amazing! I can't fit all I want to say about this last week in this email because then I would be here for hours!! But Sunday we got to walk to the temple and we took pictures as a district. Then we had an amazing devotional that night. Tuesday was also fantastic! We sang in the choir and it was the best, literally the best!! We sang Child's Prayer and it felt so comforting to know that I can pray to Him anytime and anywhere and He will listen and AHH!
Okay, so next Tuesday the choir in the Provo MTC is singing for ALL the MTC's in ALL of the WORLD. It's like a special conference and that means someone special is coming to speak to us :))))) HOPEFULLY ONE of the First Presidency :D
Okay, let me just tell you that I love my district so MUCH! They are all my best friends and my family! I would do anything for any of them. In the MTC you learn how to love more deeper and like the Savior did for us! I can't remember if this scripture goes along with it, but read Alma 26:27-29 :).
I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love it. I love serving. I love learning.
I love all of you with all my heart. I know God loves you and will be with you if you ask Him to be, but it also takes effort on your part. I can't tell you how great He is. There are not enough words to express.
I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH! PLEASE WRITE ME! Either email or letter, it means a lot to get things from the people you love.
Love with all my heart!
Oswald Shimai
My MTC companion - Sister Jeo from SLC, UT |
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