Well this is it. This is my last four days in America!! SO
EXCITED! I love, love, love being a
missionary! I know when I get to Japan it will be hard, I
know I will suck royally at the language seeing how I can only say church words
but that doesn't matter. I'm so excited
to speak to real in person Japanese peeps!
Over the last week a Nihonjin Sister (native) and I have
gotten very close. She speaks NO EIGO
(English)! She is in the fast track and I hosted her last Wednesday. She is from Kobe and is so excited that I'll
be going to where she lives. Every time
we see each other we both get so excited and hug and have simple but good
conversation! I love her so much and I will be sad to leave her!
Yesterday we completed something I totally regret. In the
cafeteria here there are these towers of cereal and as a district we finished
one. Why we chose frosted flakes, the only cereal sold in Japan, is beyond me. I had FIVE bowls and I almost lost it all at
one point. My comp had 6 bowls and one
elder had 9+ bowls...none of what he ate stayed down...Another Elder started
laughing and crying and was very emotional for the rest of the night. BUT we
did it! Never again.
Today we get to see the outside world for the first time in
two months. My comp and I will be making a field trip to Wells Fargo and the
clinic (LISA BETTER BE THERE!) which should be fun.
The stress and tension is real, but we are persevering. I have one bag almost packed at this point and
still so much left to do AHHH!!!! (I’M TOTALLY FREAKING OUT BUT THAT’S OKAY!)
I see Sister Oswald all the time and people ask me if i have
a sister here. With both of us being
Oswald, short hair and looking related it's fun to say no but that's my cousin
and she's awesome. I haven't gotten a picture yet but I promise I will!
I have not seen Elder Gibb yet and I might scream when I do
see him! This is my best friend people!
I'll try my hardest not to cry (because all of the emotion running through me
right now…I swear it's the cereal) and hug him. I also have seen quite a few Summit View/
HighlandsRanchers over here at the MTC. Brother Grover (Mom, I don't know his first
name but he is the oldest.) is a teacher here and I've seen him twice and said
hi which was cool. This morning I saw
Parker Walton and Braden Babbit. It was
awesome and made my day :)
Thank you Mum so much for all of the letters and clothes and
the talk you sent! I really appreciated them and seriously exactly what I
needed the day I got them. Ahh, so good.
When I call this Monday I have so little time that it's
quite sad. So first I need you to send
me phone numbers VIA Dear Elder. Liam's,
Mom's, Dad's, Nonnie's, GrandMA&Pa's and actually can you send me Regan's
too if I have time I want to try and call him. I sent you the times just make sure you
answer!! or that you are near persons who don't have a phone *cough*Emma*cough*
I need to be able to talk to you.
Emma, I love you and I'm sorry your letter got deleted I
think mom's computer is part cyberman....Please laugh at my jokes I've been
shelterd to long. .... but I love you so much YOU CAN DO IT! (IT BEING LIFE AND
Guys, I am so ready! I'm so ready to preach, to declare to share
with the world my love for Christ. This week our teachers have asked us what we
have learned at the MTC. I've learned
here that you have to be patient. The Lord will always, always listen, help you
and guide you but also in his time. We are on his clock and his time.
SO this sent before I wanted it to....as I was saying.
Patience is a huge deal. Also while being
here at the MTC I have grown to love the scriptures, to love everything about
them. There is so much to learn. I get so excited to watch Bible videos because
I'll get to see what my Savior could have looked like. I love testifying in Japanese! I love the
simplicity it forces me to have. Read 2
Nephi 22:2, it says I will trust in my God, be not afraid! He is my strength and my song! If there is one thing that I really came to
know while being here is that He lives. He lives and I know it because I can
physically feel his love. I know it by
the love I have for others and their testimony or their thoughts about the
scriptures. I know because I love the
people already! I have learned you cannot live on borrowed
light. This mission is not for me. I
must turn outward like Christ did. I
must be the example for others to show them that Christ is the Answer! Christ knew he would die and he still chose to
think of others and not himself! I want
to be like him!
I love y’all and I can't wait to talk with you!!! I miss
TIME!!! I have little less then and hour before/during each connection.
Love, Madeline
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