Let's see where do I start with this week, it's had its ups and downs. We went to the castle to have lunch underneath the Sakura (cherry blossom) trees. They are so pretty! They always bloom the first of April and that whole week. The other sisters had to leave a little early for an appointment and so they walked back to where our bikes were. Like 5 minutes later I get this phone call, "Oswald Shimai come quick Giron Shimai fell!" Gibson sounds like she was freaking out so I assumed it was really bad. So us the elders, and the member that was with us all hurried back to where our bikes where and when we get there Gibson and Giron Shimai are on the ground laughing but Giron is obviously in pain. We are so confused. When they said what happened,Gibson pointed to her skirt and said, "a bird pooped on me! Again!" They were laughing so hard that Giron tripped and fell and screamed.
Oh man....
We also had Zone training meeting and Gosney Chōrō, an Elder I served with in Shimogamo gave his 'dying' testimony because he goes home at the end of this transfer. I loved working with him and his testimony was so powerful! He told us that how in the end he still gets a 'baptism' . His sister has been less active for a long time and now she's letting her 9 year old daughter be baptized and the best part about it is that his dad who wasn't able to baptize before can now and he gets to baptize her. Miracles happen!! It was so happy to hear!!
Let me tell you about Yura. I've talked about her before, she's the other sisters investigator and she wants to get married in the temple. She was invited to come to general conference and she came!!!! And you know what?! every talk was flippin about temples!! It was so awesome!! She loves to say I freaking love you. There is no doubt in my mind that she will be baptized. I'm so happy for her love for the temple and she's not even a member. She prays to her Heavenly Father and she knows he lives! It's amazing!
So last night we decided to rededicate our selves to the mission, to God and to the work. We had a big heart to heart chat that filled the room with the spirit. Afterwards we wrote down what we wanted to change about the mission, about our selves, etc. We all took those
things and went in other part of the apartment and prayed aloud by ourselves. We then came together we prayed. The spirit was electrifying. I could feel this light just engulf us. It was bright and it felt as if angels stood behind us watching over us. They loved us. I could
feel as if we had our family that has passed through the veil right there sending love beams our way. It was so peaceful.
I love you and will send pictures along with this.
Love with every fiber of my being!
Oswald Shimai
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