Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Dear Friends,

Hello, once again I am on a bus to Okayama for our Multi-Zone Pday and our Christmas Tai Kai tomorrow. Yippee!  That's exciting!  It's really cold. Like really, really cold.  I have so many heat warmers stuck to my legs, that I might get cancer later.  I have a nice coat though that keeps wind out and actually gets a little hot sometimes. I have given in and started using my snow boots.  It hasn't snowed but my feet were getting too cold at night.  But enough about the weather, except for the wonderful sunny day that it is and that it snowed for two seconds on Friday! Woah!

Last Monday we lost our phone...chotto yabai...and then we go it back! Yay! It was in a member's car.  It fell out of my hand some how and I didn't notice...awkward. 

Tuesday is just service day.  Every Tuesday as you know we go and visit old people and play cards. Same four old ladies every time. One is so funny.  She cracks jokes about being old and being slow.  We also shouted bonzai! when we lost really hard core.  I love them so much!  Then of course we have eikaiwa which is also the best.

Man it was cold Wednesday.  Like really cold.  We visited a less active named brother Okudaira.  He was home because it was raining that day so we got to see him.  We talked about Christmas and Jesus Christ. He was so touched by us coming all this way.  He thanked us for coming.  We were able to testify of our love for Christ and the Spirit filled his genkan.

I love Jesus Christ, and that I get to share that love with others. Then later we had an interesting lesson with our investigator Aritomi San....it was obvious that he was under the influence of a certain drink the Word of Wisdom prohibits....he was drunk. We were actually planning on teaching Word of Wisdom in that lesson.  He had misconceptions about baptism and the spirit, and wouldn't stop his habits....sigh. It was a tough lesson.  We told him if we are going to meet with him again he can't be drunk.  No one can feel the spirit that way....sigh...but on the bright side of all of this we had a awesome doseki (member present)! And she helped us out a ton!

Thursday we finally fixed my companions hair and the lady who did it was Christian! Say what?! That was cool and unexpected. And then we were able to teach so many people-yay!  

Friday we had district meeting....our sad district....it's so small. But we're doing a skit in the talent show tomorrow so that will be fun! It snowed and it was more like hake than anything and it didn't stick... :( Later that night we got to go to another old persons home and sing Christmas carols to them!  With our ward!  It was so fun! When we sang our last song, Silent Night, the Spirit hit me, testifying to me of the Savior.  It was a great experience, also there was this old grandmother who was like 125 years old and still looked 75... No joke. And another kept cat calling our branch president ...so funny!

Saturday we had another awesome lesson with Kiyoshi San, he's in Alma now in the Book of Mormon! Our doseki, was so surprised and was awesome at explaining the law of Moses which he had questions about along with, "What is baptism?" It was a great lesson! Then on Sunday that member announced to the whole ward how awesome this investigator was and that we need more dosekis for him!

Later on Saturday we visited with Omae Kyodai as usual. We sat down on the pillows he had set out and in front of the space heater that was ready! My companion told him a joke about a cockroach.   Now he calls her, "my cockroach daughter..." He also freaked out that she doesn't like tofu...it was funny and he told her that she won't become Japanese with out eating tofu. He's so funny :) That night we taught about prayer by watching a talk by President Eyring.  Afterwards we committed him to pray more specifically for his family.  Then at the end of the lesson he prayed and again another beautiful, wonderful prayer that just brought the spirit.  His prayer was sincere and so loving.  He prayed for his family and for his friend, his grandparents, and then he prayed for us and how much he loves the missionaries, and asked for our safety, and thanked that we could teach him about prayer.  It was amazing! I love him so much!  He means so much to me!

Sunday we had another opportunity to go caroling but this time our whole ward went, which isn't huge but pretty decent sized. We went and sang at an orphanage. Oh my heart hurt for a split moment, when I saw little boys and older kids, girls and boys, and how they just live here. They have no family...the babies were hard to see. There was this one little boy- he and I got along.  He had the sweetest smile and he just laughed! After we sang we played a gesture game and he tugged my skirt and I came and bent down to where he was and he did the gestures to me. My heart melted! I wanted to take him home with me! But it made me realize two things: one that I'm so grateful for the family I have and how much I love them and that Heavenly Father gave
them to me! Two, was how grateful for the knowledge that Heavenly Father loves these children! He loves them so much and you could see it all in the members faces when we got the chance to play games with them.

Later that night we went housing and man it was like everyone rejected us....it was the only time I felt like Joseph and Mary.  I was bringing to them Jesus Christ and they would say, there is no room.  All last night I sang Joy to the World, the Lord is come, let earth receive her king, let every heart prepare him room and heaven and angels sing! Glory to the new born King!  Ahhhh I love it!  It was still hard to be rejected but it taught me how important my message really is!

I love you all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Love, Oswald Shimai

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