Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Level up shimasho!  (Let's level up now.)

I still don't feel like I'm actually going home.  It still feels like months away. Like it's Monday....and I won't be here in Japan next week.....I still don't believe it.  Alas, this was my last full week in Japan and it was crazy (deshita).

Tuesday we met with an investigator who a few months ago called and asked to meet us and we did, but she's uber busy so would/couldn't meet until Tuesday! Yay! So that was awesome! She speaks English well and loves the movie Sister Act so we get along great! We also had trump with the old peoples again and one of them, in attempt to reach down to pick up a card hit me with her elbow. She felt so bad that she, for the next minute, proceeded to rub my head like a dog, and said, "Gomen ne!! (Sorry! She says while grinning like an idiot)" I love them so much! They and the whole home center get so excited when the see us! It warms my heart so much!

(This is a popular Japanese fashion line.)

Wednesday we took an adventure to Okayama,yet again. There we kokan'd (comp exchange) with the STLs. It was kinda awkward....but still good!  My favorite part was teaching though.  We met this less active who is absolutely so kind and so sweet.  Her apartment is a closet.  Her name was Yukiko.  She loves music and we got along great and instantly besties from the start!  At the end of the lesson I gave her my meishi
(missionary business card) and it made her so happy! I absolutely love her with all my heart! She said to me, "Hi no sekai de aimashou!" (Let's meet again in the celestial kingdom!) Oh my heart! I can't wait to give her again the biggest hug in the world, when we meet again!

The next day we had a great time teaching members and investigators. During one lesson we taught, we read Alma 36 with this investigator. We talked about the
Atonement and Jesus Christ and the lesson was so powerful. 
The spirit was so strong! Our member present bore such a sweet, strong testimony of when her 9 year old son passed away.  She talked about how she felt so much comfort from God and how he made everything easier to bear a little at a time. Tears filled my eyes to hear this sweet members testimony! We all felt it. It was so good!

Later that night we met back at the apartment and the other sisters came for ZTM which was on Friday. We had a grand ol' time. I love all those sisters!

Death of Oswald Shimai and another Elder who is also going home.

The next day was my last ZTM! Oh my goodness, so much emotion! Ended up singing again - JKM, Japan Kobe Mission song that Elder Vui wrote.  I sang it with two other Elders, we didn't have much time to practice but it was still good! :) so much feels! The last verse is changed for a missionary returning home. Here I will share:

"Oh how does it feel to look back on these two years, 

as the tears roll down, you know.

You came here to serve, you gave it all you had
And left all other personal affairs behind
You came here to preach and teach and serve and love,
The people of Kobe Japan.
And you walked with the Lord, and Raised the Light
You opened up your mouth, and gave your heart to God,
And without a doubt, you will always serve."

Ahhh...my heart.  Then at the end of the meeting the "dying" missionaries give their final testimony. There was another Elder and he gave his testimony, then it was my turn....Ahhh.  When I looked at every missionary in front of me I just wish I had more time to be where they were.  I love these people so much.  Each and everyone of
them are so amazing! The are called of God to do this work! It's amazing! Afterwards we all said our good-byes and a few of us went to lunch together.  Because we live out in the boonies we have to take a 2 and a half-hour bus ride. The Elders rode with us this time and it was an adventure.  We usually sleep on the bus but Wheeler is a talker....so we talked.  It was fun!  The last time Tottori district will be together! Our tiny four man district. 

Saturday we went to have lunch with Omae Kyodai and his wife Emiko.
She likes to take us out to eat and this time she took us to curry and to eat Nashi. It was like spending time with our grandparents.  We had so much fun.  I gave them my meishis and Omae Kyodai started to get teary eyed and Ahhh...my heart. After our outing with the grandparents we sent off my suitcases!  Yay for having to send it like super early.  I had like 20 pounds left in each bag which was happy!

Sunday was by far the best day of the week!  It started with an awesome DCS with Swasey Kyodai and learning about the sacrament.  Then it was sacrament meeting and I hugged everyone and everyone thanked me for serving a mission.  Every single person there is like family.  I love them all so much, also this is the best hugging ward in all of Japan! They all know how to hug thanks to Swasey Kyodai.  Lots of hugs. 

Then Natsumi came. Yay! I love this girl! She loves church and everyone love her! It was Fast Sunday and so I got up and bore my testimony. As I did, that is when the tears (finally) hit.  I looked at everyone's face and I love each and everyone and I was so happy to serve them.

After church we had a lesson with Natsumi chan and had Karen Ito, same age as Na-chan, doseki.  We all day had talked about Plan of Salvation in each class which set up our lesson for that day.  We talked about how we want to return to Heavenly Father and asked her if she wanted to do that, and she said yes with a big grin!  We read from the Book of Mormon and talked about how we need to follow Jesus Christ and the example he has set for us. We actually invited her to be baptized.  And she said yes!!!,  Ahhh! It was such a good lesson!  And she is so excited!  We still have to help her grow and understand more before she can but it is awesome!  I'm so happy for her!!!

Later we were finally able to meet with Franco Kyodai.  He has been super busy with work and being able to stay in Japan.  Please pray for him that he'll be able to pass his test. But we talked and I shared with him one of my favorite scriptures, 2 Nephi 8:3. So good. We were also able to meet Kiyoshi San before I left and that was so happy!  He FINISHED THE BOOK OF MORMON AND IS ON ROUND TWO! He is getting there slowly but surely!

Franco Kyodai

That night the Swaseys invited almost everyone over for a little 
farewell party.  It was so nice! We played games, ate food (so much food), and again they asked me to speak and share a miracle I saw on my mission and I talked about when I first met Jheff and what it felt like. 

This is Hayase!  I love him! He is a beast recent convert!

This is Cutie chan and my Branch President.  

Words cannot describe how much I love these members. They are so strong in the gospel and love with their whole hearts! They are truly people of Christ. Almost every single one is a convert to the gospel with a testimony to back them up. I am so privileged to serve these members and the Japanese people.

Corinthians 9

1 Am I not an apostle? am I not free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our
Lord? are not ye my work in the Lord?

14 Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel
should live of the gospel.

16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for
necessity is laid upon me...

17 For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward...

18 What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I
may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my
power in the gospel.

19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant
unto all, that I might gain the more.

20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to
them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them
that are under the law;

21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without
law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that
are without law.

22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made
all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

I love this gospel. It is true. I believe it. I know it. God is good.

I see y'all on the other side, ne!

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