Sunday, June 26, 2016

JUNE 12, 2016 - Well when God tells you he loves you but you be singing a song for sacrament and it's like bad timing cause then you can't help but cry. Come on Dad!

Hello. I love you. Yes,  you reading this right now. I love you. Your soul is a gift and oh man, oh man, do you even know what that means? I can't full explain it because it's just to intense...anyway. How are you?  I'm pretty good, I mean spiritually and mentally heck yeah, I can do anything.  The gospel is true, Joseph Smith flipping (I know this isn't that reverent but this is how I feel about it) saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ right in front of him! Say what! And and the Book of Mormon! Don't even get me I'm such a missionary...I can't believe I've been doing this for this long!  Woah, it must be true (it totally is). Well what did we do this week? Well, I'm gonna tell you!


Tuesday! Was our day in Habikino our other area and we tried to visit people with Brother Kono and I found a picture that translates really funny.   I'll just tell you what it says, "How would you like it if a dog pooped in front of your house, you wouldn't like it! Your dog is stupid, he won't know that he is being rude but you are! That's a rough translation. It also has picture of the guy walking his dog. I thought at first it was about a neighborhood creeper but no it was some old grandma who freaked out over doggie doo. Then we  ran into an old woman, whose hair was pink and when we tried to talk to her she shouted, "I can't hear you my ears don't work," she was like 89 or was kinda funny.

Wednesday! I died...ugh I hated it. Just wanted to go out but couldn't. I was so physically exhausted I slept for like 5 bad...but then we went to eikaiwa and met our investigator (finally, she was from the previous sisters) and she came and played ping pong with us! That was fun. Love ping pong. I also love Brother Kimura who is wicked good at ping pong and watched him destroy Elder Westhoff.

Thursday we did planning! And sang to old people. It was fun. Also played with a 2 year old. She was so cute. I have pictures.

Friday was Zone Training Meeting. We all had french toast together that morning and turns our my first trainer got transferred into my zone! AHHHH so happy! She only has like a transfer and a half left. Edwards Shimai is the best, I love her so much! Then we had our meeting. We let members come to see what we are working on and this one member came and raised his hand and commented on our goal of getting 20 lessons a week. And was like why aren't you focusing on your investigators. And he went on but his points were off, and didn't make much sense. There was lots of tension with him and Takahashi Chōrō. Yikes.  But then he left.  Also Westhoff Chōrō talked for like 40 minutes on tech....he likes to talk...oh man. Then after the meeting we went to a burger shop. Oh man.

I have to start a new paragraph because it's so awesome!  We went to this new place to eat lunch and this guy, his name is Yo, who runs the place, studied English and surfing in California in Huntington Beach and Orange County!  Say what?!  And so we talked about California and VWs and he is now my new favorite person who needs the gospel. Also he makes the best burgers in a Japan! Wow. Like so good, a good, fried burger.  It was like stepping back into America! I loved it! He also played some great music by Babylon.

Saturday we had a really good day! We first had ice cream with Chiara our investigator from Italy. She's interested in the logistics of our religion the next step is spiritually. But she is way sweet!! I love her! Then we went and dendo'd with sister Kokura and we taught an awesome street lesson about the atonement to this guy and it got him so excited to help us in the future! Yay! Then we went with two sisters and they took us the missionaries out to eat some delicious sushi :3 AHHHH so happy!

Sunday was the highlight of the week.  Yesterday in sacrament meeting my doryo and I sang "I feel my Savior's love," and it was in Japanese at first then the last verse was English. And as we sang, the piano stopped playing and it was just our voices. With each word the spirit engulfed us ten fold. We got to the chorus where it says, "He knows I will follow Him, Give all my life to him," at this moment I realized that this is what we have done. This is is so important, He gave us everything and in return, the least I can do is give it all to Him, my heart, my soul, my pain, my joy, everything. We got to that line and it was so intense. It was so hard to sing. It was the truth. Because we were crying, Larsen Shimai dropped out and I was left alone to sing the last like, "I feel my Savior's love, the love he freely gives me." My heart leapt inside my chest . He loves me! I know it!  Give it all to Him and you will Feel with great intensity, the Savior's love for you.

Well that's it my loves,
You are wonderful!

Love Oswald Shimai

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