Sunday, June 26, 2016


Hello everyone! How ya doing? I don't know how to write I wish I could just tell y'all in person, the feeling would be so much better. I'll just stick to my awkward daily updates haha.

Monday - We had an adventure to this katsu place (like frenchies onion chicken but way different....) well, actually we also had an adventure to the hospital. Apparently I'm fine! Woah! And really kinda annoying. Now I have my Japanese mom, Fisher Shimai, and the missionaries in my area on top of my health...then we go to a fried chicken restaurant, very healthy, but outside the restaurant, the owner came out while we were deciding to go in or not and she was trying really hard to get us to buy. She seemed like a strange gypsy, kinda looked like one too. We also cleaned the gutters of the church which wasn't too terribly exciting except for the fact that I found a mysterious gold tie pin.

Tuesday- so on Tuesday we go to the other area that is attached to ours, Habikino. On the way there we stopped to have sushi for lunch. The sushi place was recommended to us by Brother Kimura, who I trust with my life, 'cause he's way too good at ping pong and martial arts.  So we walk in and the there are plates that cost from 100¥ to 500¥  (1dollar-5dollars) and the 100¥ ones were so good. There is one that was $5 right, and I asked my comp if we could split it (two pieces on a plate) it was a huge piece of tuna and when you ate it, it melted in your mouth. It was the best piece of sushi that I ever had in my whole life! So good that I got a second one, now I was paying full price. It was too good. We've started biking again and the last few weeks have been so humid. Rainy season is here and it's hot.  Actually not that hot but the humidity is killer.

We were trying to find this potential investigator and turns out her address is the address of another church and so we felt a little awkward right I front of it...we were like should we knock? And then ended up running away when the door started to open as we stood out side. It was too crazy. 😅 At English class I told everyone my call letter story and unintentionally taught a lesson. The spirit was so strong and everyone was so happy at the end, also sister Kono gave us peppermint tea. So good!

Wednesday we helped Nagatani Shimai, (she is from the Philippines), with moving stuff from one apartment to another. She told us about one of her bajillion jobs, and how she helps with crime investigations. I think she is a detective of sorts and then also like an English teacher. She's way cool. We ate curry with her which was sooo good!

After that we went to Mama Fishers house and she proceeded to tell me all the things I need to do to eat healthier. She informed us that it is not "rice cheeks" but "cookie cheeks". She gave me a list of foods I am allowed to eat. She told me, "I know if you're eating bad foods so don't cheat," she is way serious, part of me is "yeah, food coach" and also a little nervous because she'll know that I ate Oreos on my comp exchange last week. Her daughter would never let her mother over, so I have become the substitute since she left for college.

Thursday was Kokon, and it rained. It really rained.  I only had my rain coat which works and also simultaneously doesn't. It down poured.  I had no rain pants so my skirt was soaked. It was fun though. We went to this place called Korea town and visited this girl who works at a shop there and taught her about the Book of Mormon and she said she was way excited to read. After that this man in monk get up and straw hat came up to us and was like, hey you're Mormons, and I was like yes we are (he spoke English so that was also another surprise). We asked where he was from and in kind of a really creepy voice he said, "Can you guess?" Turns out he lived in California and other places, we never found out where he was from.  He also was like look I don't want to fight, you need to go home, sit on your couch and ask your self who am I, who am I, who am I, until you figure it out.  In my head I was like well I don't need to do that to find out, that was a nice reassurance.

Then immediately after that another guy, a whole lot nicer guy, came up to us because the first one did and we taught him the whole restoration.  Way cool.  He was kinda cute but in a teddy bear kinda way. I feel like as I have lived here several things have happened . One, everything in this country is cute, like men, women, children, cats, everything, and so I think I have started calling people cute partly because of that and partly because I love people and I want then to progress with the gospel right?  I think God is constantly looking down at us and saying with his hands to his face, "Oh, oh...oh my goodness gracious me! Look at him he did a thing! Oh look, she got married, and he oh he just got a Book of Mormon from those two adorable sister missionaries. Oh my gosh! ...he's getting baptized!"  Yeah, something like that.  He's still a parent; have you ever seen grown adults freak out over a small child because he was walking towards them?

Anyway, later after that, we went to visit an old man at a fruit stand and we also taught him about the Book of Mormon.  He has read all of the intro and loves it! So cool! Then he gave us free watermelon!  Heck ya! While we were teaching him there was a mosquito, huge! Just flying around him and he slapped it onto his coat and then just left it there, it was very comical but then about five mins later it popped right back up brushed it's self off and then flew away! I was dying. It was so hard not to laugh.

Friday, we met up again and then biked to district meeting. All of you who drive cars in the summer, count your many, many blessings! After district meeting we had crepes. They were so delicious. 'Nough said.

Saturday happened. Sunday was Stake conference and it was a nation wide broad cast from HQ. it was way cool.  We got to listen to Elder Bednar tell us that we need to be better members and such...oh my-lanta that was intense. He's such a cool cat that is also very scary, but it was good. We met the other Elder's investigator that day and she is seriously the most wonderful person ever. She was asking if we would come to her baptism next Tuesday.  She is so sweet and outgoing and likes to call Elder Weakly over to ask him things. Right before everything started she saw them (theelders) and shouted, WEAKLY CHÅŒRÅŒ, KITE KITE! (Key-te it means come). It was so funny, I about died. She held my hand and thanked us for sitting with her. It was a real good week.

Happy Father's Day! Now, I'd like to write to you all about my dad. But before I do that I want to thank all of the dads and fathers I've ever had in my life. My grandfathers, Tony Rowland and Bob Oswald, my uncles, my leaders and my teachers, Brother Mike McNevin, Nathan Garza, Brother Ray, Brother Culebro, Brother Richardson, Bishop Chipman, Brother Gary Gibb, Brother Shannon, Patriarch Jensen, Patriarch  Gill, any many others, including some brothers here in Japan, I would write more but I just don't have time to write them all...but these men all have one thing in common. The gospel. They are testifiers of Christ. They believe in Christ and they have taught me about Him in one way or another. They hold the priesthood and they are worthy and they are protectors of their family. Thank you and I love all of you so very much, I wish I could give all of you a hug. Now to my dad.

I love this man. He is one of my best friends of my whole life! My whole life, People! This man has teased me, pulled pranks on me, put ice cubes down the back of my shirt, he has taken pictures of me while I sat in the ER just chillin' cause of all my random bike accidents, he has let the dog mall me to wake me up in the morning, he has shouted my name for no reason while I passed by in the house, driving in the car and other such places. He has bounced on my bed till I smiled even when I wanted to just sit and pout. He has the best laugh in the world, especially when we're watching Mash, Star Trek, How it's Made, and other tv shows and movies. He smiles with his whole heart and soul. He lifts others when they are down. He is kind. He listens with all that he's got. He makes the world best mac n tomato (don't know what that is? go ask him to make it for you, also the worlds best peach cobbler}.  He knows how to set a fishing line five times over and still smile when you've caught a fish before him. He knows that speeding traps are real and they are of the devil. He likes listening to my music even if it's weird. He likes to listen to books on long road trips. He knows how to fix things. He fixes things. He knows everything! His brain is like a text book! He knows so much about everything! He is deaf as a door nail. He fixes cars. He rebuilds Volkswagons. He spends hours and hours in the garage just so that his kids can have a car of their own. He builds decks! He speaks words of life. He loves my mom. He takes care of us. He is my hero. He knows that sometimes we just gotta tuck and roll.  He takes care of me, I love him. He has a testimony like no other. He believes in Christ, he loves others. He always lifts and inspires, at least me! He relates the gospel to video games. He is my dad. I am so happy to have him as my dad. He is the greatest man I've ever known in this life.

I could talk hours about the times I've had with my parents, I love them. Ask my comps, they know I love my mom and dad.

I love my father, but I love him most of all because he loves our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Pop,  I love you. I love you so much. You mean the world to me. You have taught me so much and I can't wait to see you again. I miss your sillines and car rides and pretty much everything written above, but  I'm so grateful for you and your example to me. Thank you for serving me, loving me, and taking care of our family. I love you!

Happy Father's Day!

Your daughter,

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