Sunday, December 4, 2016


Gooooooood moooorning Vietnam!

No, I didn't switch countries over night I just really wanted to say that because it's so flippin' early!  Right now at this very moment, I sit waiting for a 6:40 a.m. bus. Why? 

A.) we live out in the boonies and getting any where takes two hour buses
B.) we have what's called Zone conference tomorrow so we are taking pday with the rest of the zone in Okayama:) yay people! (We don't seem them, missionaries,often).

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!  To celebrate we went out and ate Indian food!  Yes, curry and nan, in Japan, celebrating an America holiday! I can say that dad's turkey looked super good and all the members think dad is cute, or really cool looking! Like Ko kun, 9yr old in our ward, last night was looking through my photos and was like, "eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh! [this mustached figure is] cool!" As translated. Right on dad. They also think Hachi 's name is funny because it could mean the number 8 or honey.

Well Monday was relaxed. That was good.  In the middle of pday though, we were chillin' at the church and Swasey Kyodai comes in and scares the crap out of us (actually probably just me).  He came to pick up Blu's bike and decided to come give us some home made cookies in the process. They were so good! Swasey Shimai doesn't bake, probably because of the lack of oven usage in Japan, but Kyodai on the other hand loves it and shares with us his treasures.

We had a great week! Taught lots of people. 

Tuesday was another eikaiwa miracle! So many people came! So happy!
Omae Kyodai is way silly and he likes to crack jokes about boyfriends, awkward situations, his wife. We were talking about work words and the word boss came up and he points to me and says, "you're my boss," I told him no and then, feeling pretty snarky, asked, "Wait, your wife isn't your boss?"  He looked at me and got this "Oh I've been caught" face with the cheesiest grin on his face.  The whole class is laughing and I'm feeling pretty accomplished, mainly because I made a funny :).  He shakes his figure at me and says, your good, you got me!  He is constantly afraid that I am going to get him by not hitting his high five.

Wednesday we did soft volleyball with an investigator, but to be honest, I didn't really want to go. Why you may ask?  Well Oshita San is a interesting person, ちょっと気持ち悪だけど…we went because he has been begging us to come but he doesn't really want to learn about the gospel but this was our last shot with him! So we went with another investigator Asami. When we got there everyone else who was playing seemed....have you ever seen the movie dodgeball? Well a few players were a little
intense like that. This wasn't just your friendly game of beach volley. Well we start playing and everyone is already pros, and they're all like 75+.  We're like okay, let's at least try to make this fun.  So if any of you have seen Avatar, Oshita San plays volley ball like Azula.  He would cut you off...but at the same time worse than Azula, because she actually worked with her team....I was so frustrated, and then he told us that we were bad at playing, but that's only because he stole every shot....sigh. It was over all awkward. And cold.

**Visited a less active ended up taking a billion pictures of the sun.  We then went to institute and talked about eternal marriage. That was pretty exciting.  Friday was cookie brigade...realizing that I didn't actually know what brigade meant and then we looked it up. #When words have a vibe but I can't recall the meaning.  Anyway, found lots of peeps that way.  We met a guy who paints, he asked what we'd like to see him paint, we said God and then we went inside.  Later, we came back out and he showed us his paintings of Eve....or a really old Shikira album, because he painted what he saw, there was Shikira and vol. 2 paintedon it. At least he recognized that it was Eve....sorta.  Also when you think you're talking to a 22-23 year old and he's a
first year in high school.  I can't tell what age anyone is anymore! z😩😯

Saturday was awesome! As we were housing we got this call from...Kurayoshi Elders?  Well....they don't exist so that was confusing. It was actually a call from Amagasaki Sisters, telling us of this investigator who wants to meet and had met with Elders before.  After some texting, we were able to get his number and called him.  I
talked to him about the plan of salvation, Christmas, Easter, when the church started and arranged what time we could meet.  Aritomi San, came!  Woah...what? That was so crazy! Just hoping that he is actually good and the nicest and most legal terms possible....weird.

Church! You know your a missionary when you get excited about church! Actually lies, you know your a follower of Jesus Christ when your excited to go to church!
I Love Swasey Kyodai!  I feel like I'm learning from an old master, with the way he teaches.  He use to be a stake president for like 8 years in Japan.  Throughout DCS, and the rest of church he gives us clues to how the atonement, and the universe mind is constantly blown.

Later that night we had a dinner/birthday party for Kouta! I love him! He is seriously the sweetest and funniest kid! We played Uno and I explained Uno's true meaning....they were all surprised to find out that uno is one, and that is was Spanish. I love them so much. So they had a friend who isn't a member but came and he started asking questions about who we were.  We talked about how we are chosen to come to different places and Kokun totally started teaching about prophets! He is 9!!! He was like well, God chooses for us!  It was awesome!!!!

Today we are going to have a zone pday so that's exciting!  But also not much time to type...I love you all! Also I love Christmas!  It's been here for like three weeks now I can share the Christmas videos to people and I'm so excited!

Love, Oswald Shimai

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