Sunday, July 10, 2016


Shout out to my peeps who get to blow things up all day! I miss fireworks!


So we did somethings this week. Such as dendouing with this old couple, and they fight over directions in Japanese. Brother Kono kept yelling at the gps because it told us to go into the river.  Brother Kono shouts in English," There is no house here! It is river, okay.  Jumpu.  Ozuwarudo Shimai will swim. ( I told them I was on the swim team
in high school like 20 minutes before hand) We will drown, We are old."

Brother and Sister Kono were fighting over which way to go, it was nice to know that this happens in other countries and ten times funnier to hear in Japanese :)  We then stopped to ask one old man who then turned to two other old women and then the four of them debate while another calls another person to ask if they know where Sister Sakamoto lives.....then we followed a woman on her bike and she leads us to the
house. I was an ordeal and then turns out she wasn't home. So sad.  But in high spirits Kono took a our picture in  front of the less active's house. I sadly do not have the picture.

Wednesday, I got to exchange with my Trainer Edwards Shiami!!! It was lots of fun.  On that day we went on an awkward date with this potential which now is not so potential. He came out in the rain to pick up trash with us but it was just obvious that he only wanted to date us. And on top of that it rained.  That we got a picture of.  Then we took some awkward videos.  I will send those.


Tea and rain gear

Thursday! I will tell you about the one absolutely good thing about this day.  You know how the week before that lesson with these peeps that just didn't work out...well this week it did.  We taught about the Book of Mormon and the beginning of the Plan of Salvation.  They had questions and one of the women that couldn't come before came and was so interested in what we had to say.  The spirit was so much stronger and
the lesson was so good.  Now the feeling in this lesson was a lot better than me just telling it but it was seriously guided by God because I cannot speak Japanese!

Friday we got really busy.  We had district meeting and the sun came out! Rainy season is over, woah!  And now it's hot.  Like really hot......oh boy.  Then we went and had Indo curry and it was delicious.  We also at the same time met and taught with an investigator Suzi, who knows the Book of Mormon is true but isn't willing to do anything about it!  So sad.  But we are working with her.  Then we went down town
to meet a potential from Ethiopia, but when we got there he told us that he couldn't make it.  While on the train though we met this girl who was way interested in the restoration who also lives in Honolulu!  Coincidence?  I think not!  Her name was May, she was sooo out going and very Hawaiian. Very happy!

My constant feeling towards Elder Westhoff

Then Saturday we went out to eat sushi with a recent convert and my god-mother Nakajima Shimai. She is so stubborn and sweet.  She took us outto eat right and we were going to try to help pay but she nearly knocked the Elder on the floor for trying. Haha, so funny.  But she was so sweet to us. She was the elder's investigator right, so we really didn't do much but there was one Sunday, the Sunday we met, where she
came and it was stake conference. She told the elders that she wanted to leave, because she didn't feel like she belonged.  But then she prayed for help. 

Seikme Elders


Right afterwards, we, Sister Larsen and I said hello to her for the first time. We talked with her, sat with her and thenshe decided to stay, she said that we were the answer to her prayer. When I heard that the spirit was so strong.  I love her and her sweet
spirit and he love for Christ!  She just finished the Book of Mormon for the second time through. While they were waiting for us outside the subway exit, she talked to everyone and was trying to introduce them to the elders.  It was so awesome!  We also went and sang to Brother Hirano at the old person's home. These two really old and
really senile women kept telling my comp and I that we were babes... in Japanese but still it was so sweet. And then we had to go so we were like bye and they were like clapping for us.  Made me happy!  Then we got donuts afterwards with Sister Hirano.

The hair @?!
This is Mami

Sunday was great!  We had a good time with our ward mission leader.  He is such a good man and I love him!  He brought us cake for one so that's cool. And then he helped us with getting the members to help us with the fruits basket! Yay!

Well,  this week seems like a pretty boring week, probably because I'mon a train typing this and it's super hot.  It's really hard to look like a nice sister missionary when it's hot. I'm sorry for a lame email. Well, in other news I've been in Japan a really long time. Woah, okay like almost 10 months and then almost a full year on the mission.

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