Monday, August 1, 2016


Where to even begin?  Well, I'll start with Tuesday, Habikino Day.  We were studying and we got a call from Sister Nagatani and she asked us to come and pick up bread from her house for us.  It was so kind.  I love her and her sons are way cool as well.  After that we took the train and met the Konos and tried to visits some members.  We found this one woman who was so nice to us but doesn't come to church anymore.  I never know why they don't come, it's really sad to see.  Afterwards we taught Faiza and her girls English and a short lesson, then off to English class, while there I talked to Shannon and she is so far in the Book of Mormon!  I'm not actually sure where but it's 20 pages in the Chinese version, so I think it's a good sign.

Wednesday we went to visit Suzuki Shimai, and that was slightly awkward.  I'm  not entirely sure why sometimes you have those people who really know how to keep a conversation going and others...not so much.  I think that was the case in this situation.  It was an hour to get out there and then we biked another hour back for Eikaiwa.  There we played this game that every one loves.  It's a guessing game, everyone laughs and has a great time.   It's probably the best part about our Eikaiwa, and Moon came!  He is the guy we met last week and shouted at us to stop.  He was too cool.  Just too cool.  He wants to move to America and teach boxing...but he curses not really knowing what they mean...oh man.

Thursday was supposed to be a planning day but we ended up spending like two hours helping Nagatani Shimai.  We had a lesson with her and Fujimotto Kyodai who has so much dendo fire! Always wants to help people.  Afterwards we went out to eat together and he and Nagatani Shimai both are just talking to people and inviting them to talk with us.  It's great!  Now Fujimotto Kyodai wants to work with us more so that's great! Then we went had a lesson with Shannon! So good!  The spirit was so strong in that lesson, we explained the Godhead and taught the Plan of Salvation, by the end of the lesson we invited her to baptism!  She said she wasn't sure but that she will need time to think but she was not opposed to the idea.  So close.  She did say she would pray about it!  Like right after that we got a referral from member.  Then miracles left and right!! 

Friday was interviews with Welch Kaicho.  It was so good.  I love talking with Kaicho, he's like my second dad.  When I first came to the mission I wasn't so sure about him...I didn't think he really cared about me as much as he did...maybe I just didn't know him yet, but now I know this man works really hard, he is a spiritual giant and I know
he cares for all his missionaries.  We talked about the Atonement and how accessing the power of the atonement is using the doctrine of Christ!  Way cool!  He told me that he likes interviews with the sisters more :) usually interviews are only 15 minutes but it ended up being like 30 cause we just talked about the gospel.  He told me that we need to make sure we are having fun.  If God is God then he made it so humor exists.  I can imagine Heavenly Father having a big booming laugh, that's warm and also makes you want to laugh with him.  So that's what we did, we've been having more fun and it's made life so enjoyable.

Saturday we had a summer festival at the church which we made decorations for. There was so much food and small children :) we got to dress up in Yukatas and the members did our hair and everything it was fun!  It was really long though and by the end I was so exhausted.  Then we finally had planning for next week because missionary work gets in the way and we have no time to do it (planning). 

Sunday was also pretty good.  Got lots of food from lots of people which is always happy.   Lots of good things happened!  I'll send pictures :) I want you to know I love you all!  Please pray for our investigators, especially Shannon that Satan won't get to her okay?  If you are ever wondering what I'm doing just imagine me and my companion dancing to classical music being played by the orchestra that practices at our church and then being caught by a woman who plays the oboe and it being really awkward.

Love, Oswald Shimai

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