Monday, November 2, 2015


HAPPY OCTOBER πŸŽƒ!  So put the title to the tune “Do you want to build a snowman?”  Also, I'm doing this thing where I type something out every night on my iPad so that the next P-Day I can copy and paste, also so I don't forget things throughout the week.   I'm calling it “Hints to Mom.”   It’s kind of like my journal and blog.

Our district leader and his comp are here in Kitarokko with us. Very nice, both American but with Asian descent.  We went to the store today and it was so good!  I love the 100 yen shop. I might lose all my money their...haha just kidding. They sell this cute tape.  Yes, tape I have now piΓ±ata fiesta tape and anchor tape. On Monday we met an old woman we found tracking and she walked with us for 30 mins or so just talking.  She kept repeating things and questions and she told me I didn't look American.  Not sure if it was a compliment or not haha.

Finding at night is more stressful because people are either more annoyed or say they are eating so we have less luck. The moon was insane and this one woman stopped us the obachan, grandma, and another woman to look at it.  We all talked about it and how it's very Halloween like.  More and more each day I speak nihongo to my companion.  I'm proud of myself but at the same time I know I can do better. The only time I go full nihongo is when I talk to our DL.  It's nice and I don't have to talk simply. He's a funny guy.

Tuesday we taught a lesson with four shimai, one of which is more or less less active. We had Mexican food which was strange but still delicious because it was the freshest thing I've had in months.  Actually all the food here is amazing so....anyway. They were amazed at how much salsa I put on my taco, like I took two spoonfuls. They were going to watch a movie/documentary before our lesson so we went finding while they watched.  We first went and heart attacked the bishop’s house with cut out hearts and put it all over the front door.

We met this ojisan (older man/grandpa) that was outside working on his garden.  When I mean garden I mean supa market that grows outside his house.  He had corn growing green beans, Japanese berries, some purple fruit but it wasn't eggplant, it grew on a tree. We talked to him for a long while actually (well my companion talked I just attempted to listen and nod and laugh at the correct times to do so).
He told us he hates religion and then proceeded to give us vegetables.

He gave us a whole bag like filled with fresh red tomatoes.  We call him veggie ojisan.  He also gave us the purple hanging fruit vegetable thing but we didn't know what it was so we gave it to Nishikawa shimai.  She knows a little of English and is also an artist. She became a member in England when she was 20 or so.

Afterwards we taught our lesson.  It was about charity and Christ and God's love for us. It was awesome and very filled with the spirit.  I could actually say something that they could understand. We shared Moroni 7:45 and we had them switch the word charity for Christ's name.  It was a good, good lesson. Afterwards we taught eikaiwa, the learn free English class.

Uchida shimai and I taught the children's class. That was fun :D  I love kids and I love teaching my two favorite things! We taught the colors and how to say my favorite color is _______. There were a few all-star students and that could really understand and speak English which made me happy!  At the end I asked them as they left what their favorite color was and then gave them I high five.  This besides tomato ojisan was the highlight of this very long day.

Wednesday was an even longer day. We did a lot of bike riding and my butt is finally getting use to the triangular seat....again not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. We had three possible investigators that we tried to visit today and each one was always bad timing.  One was about to leave for work, one was harvesting his rice and another told us she didn't want us to come back.  Stumped we tracked for the next 4 1/2 hours.  We were in a part of Kitarokko where there are houses and rice fields as just part of the neighborhood scenery.  We also walked past a Buddhist temple and I wanted to go look at it so bad but we couldn't because we are missionaries. 

We walked some more and more.  We rang door bells and no one was home or they said “I'm okay.” I ran into Jehovah's witnesses today too.  Met some green frogs and really having not much luck. (But having a good attitude along the way) we finally had some good luck and met Tsubota San.  She's 18 and we talked to her about Christ and shared with her a video about Christ. It was sooooo good!!!!!!!! This is what we have been waiting for all day!  We got her number, it was awesome!  So we were biking home and we bike on the road with the cars and it's only nerve racking when you brush past brush and bushes that stick out.  So for the last 3 days these bushes have left these green pods on my skirts.  It only happens to me and not my companion. Lovely.

Thursday it rained.  It rained a lot.  And the wind was insane.  It was cold and wet and my shoes were soaked through. Thursday was hard.  I think because one, I'm used to Thursday being my P-Day and two I'm still so tired and sleeping feels like 5 minutes long.  We have lots of potential investigators but not really at all and everything seems to be bad timing.  But you know what?  I have a good companion and she takes care of me.  I have the gospel.  The only thing I can say in Japanese is  I am Jesus Christ’s missionary and my testimony and even then it's simple, but that’s okay.  I'm not here for me.  I'm here so that I can give the knowledge to someone else, I'm here to be a servant of the Lord of the vineyard (Jacob 5:72-75), I'm here to plant the seeds so that either I or another may reap the good fruit.  

My companion and I had a good day on this day because we had fun with each other I had to explain what goof off meant...that was harder than explaining sarcasm.  But it was good.  She knows all of the classics:  Singing In the Rain, Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, The Sound of Music, and other good movie music that every human being should listen to at least once in their life.   I love my companion because even though the communication is difficult, I can laugh with her and she can laugh with (and sometimes at) me, we can share important spiritual experiences and enjoy the same good book(bible/morumomsho) and both learn.  I have never been so happy to read church magazines and pamphlets in my life but it's still good because there is so much to learn and not enough time to learn it.  In other good news I got the new iOS 9 update and now you can draw in notes, my comp and I are excited.  Did I mention she likes art and can draw? Ahhhh, it was meant to be.  Now that I look back Monday feels like forever ago...there are seriously a dangerous and alarmingly amount of sp-I-ders in Japan!

Friday we went back to Kobe for district meeting.  It was nice to see other senkyoshi. For those who don't know, my previous companion and I are in the same district.   Jeo Shimai was at the hospital this morning.  She got this really bad cough and she says it hurt so bad that she was crying when the doctor tried to straighten her back out because of the pain.  I gave her a big hug when I saw her. Turns out that because her lungs are so used to a dry climate that coming to nihon and the humidity just created this big infection.  I can do as much as I like to help her, but that girl has the biggest and strongest testimony of anyone I know. Constantly Satan is trying to beat her down, trying so hard to go against her.  But she keeps going, she will keep going and keep fighting for this gospel even if it kills her.  I love her so much. On this day we had a joint lesson with the chorotachi. It was at a member’s home and we taught the sister and the elders taught her grandson? Or son? I'm not sure, who was 9 or 10?

Anyway despite my confusion with Japanese and age, it was good.  We were helping the sister prepare to go to the temple which was great.  We biked some mega hills today...oh boy. Thigh master right there.  I think my gluteus Maximus is starting to adjust to the uncomfortable triangular, lack of cushion, bike seat.  My knees are dying though. I found out today that Japan is a whole week behind with General Conference.  So Saturday is when we watch general women's conference and I've already read all the talks but it will be in nihongo, so a plus?  

Things that I learned on this day from my district leader:  The reason why you chose to serve a mission doesn't matter. You are here now, and what matters is why you stay. And even then that reason changes constantly. Why I chose to come doesn't matter because I am here now and I am ready to find that person who needs me! Ah!!!!! I love this gospel sooo much!!!!

Saturday! Today was good but to be honest I don't remember much from of it. We went housing after our morning studies and climbed some mega hills.  It has been cold in the mornings and nights but the sun is still hot during the day. The breeze made it nice.  I can't imagine summer yet so glad I came in the fall season.  It is still strange to see the steering wheel on the right side of the car.  I find myself whenever we are driving with a member or on a bus, that I lean to the right because we are on the wrong side of the road.  It hasn't bugged me too much except when we take crazy sharp turns and a car comes the other way.  You know how in the mountains there are switchbacks, well here in Kitarokko they are everywhere.

Anywhoo. Around three we went to the church to watch General Women's Conference. For Japan they do it a week later.  I watched most of it with Nishikawa Shimai.  She has never watched conference in Japanese and so I lucked out and got to watch it in English with her, my comp and I doing temporary (and authorized) splits. Nishikawa Shimai gave me this candy that is like the tootsie roll pops but without the stick and orange flavor.  It was so good!  It was just the two of us watching GWC it was nice.  But I had to leave half way through because we had an appointment with a less active member.  We shared with her the scripture, John 6:35.  If you don't know what it is go read it now!  I testified of Christ and it was a total open your mouth experience.  I just said what I knew but the spirit was so there!

The house of the sister that we visited was this big old Japanese traditional home.  It had 9ft well in the corner on the floor.  It was old paper screen doors and the wood is still polished like new because nobody walks on it with bare feet or shoes. Oh I loved it, I was in heaven.  Whenever we (Uchida and I) see old nihon buildings we oogle over it.

Thing I learned/liked from GWC: it's long so I'll shorten it, we have trials so we can learn, there isn't an quota that we need to reach before they stop being a part of our lives.  We don't know how many trials we will have till it's over.  And the thing is, we don't know what God has planned for us, and as long as we keep going and turning to him, he will lift us up when we can't stand.

Comments on Christine's letter: haha I forgot about the bunnies. I'm glad she got to use Japanese:D I cringed at the cat story....I miss my cats...please don't lose them, specifically Kate.  Sawyer will never leave he's too comfortable haha.  Sis.oswaldo sounds like she's having a great time, I'm so happy for her!!

Thank you for your letters always!  Dad’s comments made me laugh and smile and miss home all at the same time!!! I miss y'all too! Send pictures and Emma's drawings and Liam's hair (picture, not the real thing). I'll be watching GC next week, Japan is a week off.   Also I'm so jealous of everyone and their huge amount of investigators but that's because I'm in Japan and not the states. I still love it here.

It's hard but it's so good. Today we tried to lean more on the spirit.  It lead us to find two men (both different places) that seem to be interested in what we had to say.  It was the most happy I've been!  We won't get to teach them but we can refer them to our chorotachi. The church members are the absolute best. They are so loving and kind and really strong in the gospel. We received a ton of food from them today and it included chocolate, candy, chips, eggs, bread, bread, oranges, bread, nori, noodles and bread. So nice of them. If you think Japanese members don't feed the missionaries then you are wrong.  They are constantly giving us food.  Today we had dinner with the Asada family and we ate on the floor and it was the most delicious after fasting meal ever!They have this cute dog short and soft. It personality was like hatchi and sawyer put together in one animal. Ahh so cute!!! Also I read Genesis 40-45 cause I couldn't stop reading it was soo good!!

Mom, thank you for being a seminary teacher! (Psst! You can share this with your class) Just listen to them and be their friend. The world today, especially the youth, can't see or hear and we become confused because it's being thrown at us all at once, garbage in song lyrics, social media, high school, everything is set up against us.   That's why we need the gospel.  It is clear it is simple it is universal. It's hard to listen to that still whisper that is the spirit.  It’s hard because we (youth and others) think that the spirit will come in bolt of lightning or a fire burning with in.  Whispers aren't fires or lightning bolts, whispers are gentle breezes and sprinkling rain and rays. The spirit is a small helm that guides us through the storm (D&C 123:16-17).   The stories we read in the Bible and the Book of Mormon are so that we can understand the plan.  Understand that we are children.  Understand that the gospel isn't just something that was discovered by one 14 yearr old boy.  It was and is eternal and it is the knowledge that we can live with our families in complete happiness and understanding.

I liked the talk that Sister Reeves gave, she said: I don't know how many trials we will have but it doesn't matter because in the next life we will be so greatly rewarded for how long we endured and how we endured it.

You guys, I am so happy. I have never been this happy to be rejected, bike huge, stupid hills, teach lessons and eat with chopsticks (while my hand is cramping).  I love it here.  The people, the culture, the houses, the hills, my companion and most of all this gospel!  It is the most important thing and it is the main reason why I love smiling and singing with my dōryo.

Okay, real quick of what I did today, so the Bishop took us and the elders to the Hemeji Castle (pretty sure I spelled it wrong) but it was so cool it was really built for shorties like me. Ughh, I wanted it to be mine, soooo bad!  That was fun, we meet some other missionaries and talked to them for a bit. We then went to an all you can eat Japanese restaurant which I think I could explode from all the food! Sooooo good!  It had a grill in the middle of the table and you get raw meat and cook it right there. So much fun.

 * Ask mike and mikey where they served and where they lived when in Japan.

OKAY as usual I think I'm forgetting something. Love all of you.
ozwaldo shimai

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